Sunday, January 01, 2006

Beginning Liminal

While it may be SO 2005 (or maybe even 2004), I've decided to start the year actually starting a blog. I've been toying with the idea ever since I was exposed to my friend Dana's friend JD's blog ( at least two years ago. Of course, it is much more ambitious than I plan on being, but we'll see how it really goes.

For those that don't know, here's my take on the liminal:

I first learned of liminal times when I was in college studying anthropology. A liminal time is when someone goes from one state in life to another. There are usually rituals involved to mark the occasion. Of course, modern American society often lacks these rituals, thus blurring the states. Then again, life is not nearly as linear and homogeneous as it once was; or at least we like to think it was simplier once.

Beyond humans, there is twilight, dawn, and all the seasons to give us liminal space, where things go from one state to another. I love these liminal times--not quite one thing, not quite another.

Autumn is my favorite season. I've thought for many years now it was because it is the only season that Minnesota, where I grew up, does well. Tonight, I wondered if it isn't because it is so liminal; the once green leaves turning unexpected colors. Indian summer with its warm, sunny days and yet an undeniable crispness to the air signalling that winter and snow are coming soon. It is a glorious dying, transforming summer into winter.

From January 1 until January 12 is my own special liminal time. It is the time between when the year changes and my age changes. I use it to reflect and to plan; to be liminal. It is a good time to blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of your blog. I wouldn't worry about realizing your ambitions blogwise; just follow these 2 easy rules to make yourself feel like your blog is successful:

1. Follow your dreams.
2. Don't dream too hard. It's only as interesting as you are.


1/02/2006 9:09 AM  

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