Saturday, November 01, 2008


It seems like just yesterday I was writing about Junember (but perhaps that is just because I blog so rarely these days). It is the first day of November and it is gray and very wet. Only a matter of time before the wind picks up. Yesterday morning's 7 day forcast was all showers and 50's for the next seven days (although it did manage to clear up in time for any trick-or-treaters that still exist in big city America these days).

Despite the gloomy meteorological forecast (and a slightly unhappy left sinus), I'm feeling pretty optimistic about November. For one thing, it starts and ends with weekends this year, plus the 3 days of holidays (Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving, and the day after Thanksgiving), plus I'm taking the rest of the week of Veterans' Day off, so that means 13/30 working days! That helps lift anyone's gloom.

I am also going to try my hand at the whole National Novel Writing Month thing again, and providing myself the time and focus to write feels good.

I also managed to get some projects done by today so that I could get writing. I even, between yesterday and today, managed to read the second Dexter novel; as well as part of the latest issue of The Economist, which I just got a subscription to, the first issue arriving in my mailbox last night with Obama on the cover and the words "It's time."

That's how I am feeling in general. It is time. Even if it is off to a typical gloomy November.


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