Thursday, October 02, 2014

Being Good

I've been good this evening. I walked around Green Lake. I only watched one episode of television (although it was an episode of 'Foyle's War', which run about 90 minutes). I've washed my dishes and read from this week's Economist. I've managed to reply to e-mails and write in my journal. And now I am writing more. Writing here. I want to maintain the small momentum I have. Two days in a row. Of being good about writing. It may not seem like much, but to me it is. And that is why, as my eyelids droop and I yawn and try to focus, I keep typing.

I have an amazingly long list of topics for blog posts, none of which I am really up to focusing on right now, but they are somewhere to go, to keep the momentum up. I also created another blog some time ago, although I never got around to posting there. I want to post more creative writing, although now that I express that outside my head, I'm wondering where the lines really are.

For example, I came across a piece I'd written years ago, a review or report on High Tea at the Four Seasons. I was surprised when I read it how good I thought it was, as I tend to focus more on my weaknesses than my strengths. There's something I should give more thought to. I'm not sure it is 100% true, but I feel like it is when it comes to some things I do. Like sewing.

I have a Halloween costume I started years ago that I've never finished. Partly because I feel like it won't be as good as my vision. Mostly because the fabric I chose is very stretchy and hard to sew. I wonder if I can get that done. I need to get help. A sewing machine if nothing else. But someone to hold my hand, metaphorically, as I struggle through would be nice. It's already October 2nd, so if I am going to finish it, I should get started on that.

I like October. Growing up in Minnesota, October meant Indian summer days and Halloween.It is orange and red and yellow and full of blue skies. Of course, my mom died in October, the day before Halloween. Maybe I've lived in the PNW too long, but November seems most like death to me, although I feel a bond with November due to the N. And due to JSY, whose birthday marks the end of the month. And due to PED whom I started the end of one November. Autumn seems a time for endings. And now seems the time for bed.


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