Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Lost the fight

The fact I am currently sick only proves my point that we should all be hibernating this time of year. I've been feeling tired for about two weeks--going to bed early, waking up wanting more sleep. Between the holidays and work deadlines (and my firm belief in hibernation), I figured it was to be expected, and that maybe I was fighting something off. Well, successful completions at work and the end of the holidays left me wide open to lose the fight.

I'd really love someone to explain my immune system to me. It seems...like it needs tuning.

Since I was a child, I tend to have a current disease--what I get when I get sick. For years, it was strep. Then bronchitis. Then sinusitis. Recently, it's been an achy, fevery virus of some sort, that really makes me want to cry (only I don't because that would be so unpleasant!).


Blogger January Girl said...

I've been doing allergy shots for about 18 months, a women's vitamin for as long as I can remember, and keep sweets (including alcohol), dairy, and caffeine, all of which can be immune stressors, to a minimum.

Antibiotics are something I only use as a last resort, although that was not the case when I was younger. If I do use them, I go for yogurt afterwards to help regrow the good cultures inside.

What I find is really the key element, though, is stress control. Regular exercise is so important to that for me. Also, being aware of when life is more stressful and taking steps to get the extra rest, eat a little better, and take Airborne and Zinc lozenges and such.

I've not tried goldenseal by itself, just in combination with echanacea (sp?). My Ayervedic specialist recommeneded dandelion for me.

Thanks for the comments!!

2/20/2006 10:09 AM  

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