Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day 10: Iraklio

Saturday, September 22

Our boat to Santorini was due to leave at 9:45AM, so we were up, packed, and out for our last Iraklion crepes. It was still windy and, when we got to the FlyingCat4, it turned out it was too windy for it to sail. We were told to go to the harbor building to either exchange our tickets or get a refund. We got into a very long line, which wasn't luggage friendly so Daniel took the luggage and went to sit with it. He brought me my book to read while we waited. The group behind me was speaking French and I overheard something about needing to get a new ticket elsewhere. They didn't really speak English so I broke out my rusty French and got the story from them: we needed to get tickets for the large ferry that runs Saturday night and is operated by another company. They held my place while I went to get Daniel to go in the other line (and took back my luggage). [Note: this is our third delay in getting to Santorini.]

When I got to the front of my line, I was told I needed to return our tickets where I bought them since I'd gotten them in Iraklio! I went to watch Daniel in his line. He was moving slowly but eventually he got us tickets for the large ferry, which was now predicted to leave Sunday morning due to the wind. He went the other way when he left the line, and then waved me over to check our luggage. That was before he told me the ferry wouldn't be leaving until the next morning, so I needed to get the person to let me back to grab stuff out of my luggage before we headed out. I believe Daniel called and got us our original room back at our hotel.

So, we went back to the hotel and then over to the Historical Museum where we got a good view of the wind on the water. There was a pizza place I thought was worth checking out; it wasn't. Later, we headed over to the Venetian wall, which a lot of stuff is on top of so that it looks like a vacant lot in places. We also checked out some of the Internet places to see if anything had wireless, but nothing did.

We went back to the hotel for our siesta. Daniel slept, I wrote blog entries. We got up and went over the closest Internet place to upload photos and my blog entries. Daniel wasn't up for dinner, and I wasn't hungry until later so at some point I went out to Izmir Kebap and got take-out donar kebap and a lemon Fanta. I read, Daniel slept. We headed out late to get food for the next morning. Wound up at the place I'd gotten ice cream the night before where we got enormous croissants.


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