Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Jet Lag

I'm suffering from jet lag. We got back to Seattle Saturday afternoon just after 3PM. Our Saturday was 34 hours long, with 22 hours of daylight. We stayed at the airport the night before so I had virtually no sleep for 24 hours before boarding the first plane.

I've been waking up around 5:30AM and crashing by 9:30PM. The crashing has been impressive. Saturday I fell asleep while fast forwarding through commercials on the tape we were watching, trying to stay up to a reasonable hour.

The meaninglessness of time that I had on vacation continues with the jet lag. Sunday I had our leftover hot Chinese noodles at 5:40AM with a caffeine-free Coke before going back to bed. This morning I was paying bills before 6AM, totally foreign given I'm not a morning person (my wake up time has been 7:35AM for most of the year).

It's good to have time not have the same ruts it's had for me lately, and I still am looking forward to getting back to my usual full 8-hours of sleep. Hopefully it won't keep me from getting the rest of the trip blogged much longer.


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