Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Resignation

It's official. I've resigned the 50% of my position at ETS to go full-time with my other group in more of a programming capacity as of February 1.

Writing my resignation letter made me realize how much ETS has meant to me, and while the ETS that I really enjoyed is long dead...perhaps because the ETS I really loved is long dead, I'm more affected than I thought I'd be by going (since my general attitude has been "Yipee!").

It's definitely time for this change.

I've actually been more freaked out by going into 2006 than other years. It just seems so late somehow. But the signs are everywhere that it is a year of change, and given my difficulties with endings, there's some apprehension along with my exhilaration about the year to come.


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