Monday, June 25, 2007

Saturn makes you pay first

The title of this post comes from something my Vedic astrologer (don't worry, I cringe a bit at that, too!) told me about the current cycle I'm in. When one is in Saturn is a time of contraction, although to me, as a Capricorn, Saturn is home.

But the paying up front sucks. Or, at least, it has of late. The last time I wrote was during a very hard week that involved a repeat mammogram, an elevated pollen count that meant a delay in getting up to my maintenance dose of allergy serum, and a belated and issue-filled change of a login system, among other things.

In the end, my test was clear and my job was extended at least through September. Getting the log in to work took longer, but now that is resolved.

At the time I last wrote, I was already in tunnel vision--what did I need to do to be done by the end of the month, if that was even possible. Recovering from that narrow vision has been slow, especially after all that paying up front, but I am trying to get things more balanced. I have a back-log of blog topics, so let the blogging begin!



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