Saturday, December 01, 2007


It's December 1st. I'll admit November got away from me, probably from early on in the month. Perhaps it was the 3 vacation days, along with being sick at one point and incredibly tired this past week. But with a new month it is easy to think about taking the fresh start and being better about getting things done.

It's been snowing most of the afternoon, although that may be changing to rain as I type. I love falling snow. Something about the air being full of visible, solid things. It changes the space of the everyday things around us, and in that way it is magical. And it evens out what was there under a layer of fresh whiteness.

I took a walk in the snow. I had a library book (Robert Crais' The Forgotten Man) due today. Rather than renewing it and returning it at some later date, I decided to just return it (fresh start and all). I walked down to the lake to follow it around to the library. There were a few walkers out, most with either dogs or umbrellas; some with both. There were determined looking runners. Most people smiled at me, sharing the magic of a somewhat rare Seattle moment.

December is off to a good start.


Blogger Bemused Boomer said...

I, too, was in the snow dome shaken by a giant today. Lovely tiny flakes determined to fall as thickly as possible, knowing their time was limited because warm air is predicted tomorrow.

Our joint love of marine life is what led me to your blog, and your lovely writing is what will keep me checking. Thanks for putting yourself out there!

12/01/2007 11:59 PM  

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