Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Theme Day

Many of my days seem to have a theme. They range from simple things like everyone I encounter being tired (which today was mostly true) to scary things like all the drivers on the road seeming to want to hit me (which are thankfully rare and to date unsuccessful). [Sadly, I am too tired to adequately define theme days it seems].

Today, however, has been a literal theme day. I had an e-mail in my hotmail inbox about new themes, so I took a look, impressed by how hovering over the theme would preview its appearance on my open inbox, and changed my theme to cherry blossoms.

Later in the day, I thought gmail was looking a bit odd, and sure enough there was a message about themes. Tempted to just return to classic, I decided I would try the Summer Ocean theme. Not sure I'll keep it, but it's an interesting change. I'd try the Ninja theme, but I think I'd giggle too much.


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