Wednesday, April 19, 2006

the news today

I got an e-mail this morning, letting me know that someone I knew vaguely but had a mad crush on some years ago died last week. In checking around, I can infer that he killed himself, but I don't know that for sure.

I first encountered him at a Halloween party back in 2000. He was the emcee, wearing a very spiff Han Solo outfit. I was smitten. I didn't know until today that he'd be in a relationship since 1994, although I had suspected he might be gay. They have a great how they met story that ends with "...Bryan never went home. Though the locations have changed, over 10 years have passed and Bryan still remains. John never asked or desired for him to leave."

Grief is a funny thing, something I've had a lot of experience with. And I can't say it gets easier, only different. I've grieved over so many losses, both from my life and from the world, that it is harder for me to deal with someone who chose to leave. Especially when I'm wistful of the love he had in his life.

Ultimately, though, I'm just very sorry that he's gone.


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