Wednesday, September 05, 2007

To-do list

I always have a to-do list, with some of the items being old enough for carbon dating. I often have a list of things for the day or the week. My great downfall with all my lists is the actual getting things done. When I was working out the other day, it dawned on me that my to-do list is my equivalent of Arnold J. Rimmer's revision schedule (for those who aren't Red Dwarf fans, Rimmer spent almost all the time before the exam creating an elaborate study schedule that he then had no time to follow). Part of it is that once it is scheduled to be done, I think it is done and, unless I'm good about checking my list for the day, it goes undone. Another great hindrance to finishing the to-do list is wanting to do what isn't possible, or at least productive, and not wanting to do what is.

I've been trying to be better about getting things done, but it's still not as consistent as I would like it to be. Take blogging. I have a list of things to write about, in addition to other ideas. But then when I could be blogging, I tend to blow it off. Not in the mood. Not interested in my topic.

Some people work better with deadlines. I'm not sure if they work for me or not. In college I was pretty good about them, in terms of not waiting for the last minute to get stuff done. But real life doesn't have such a rigid time structure, at least not a regular one with consequences.

My current deadline is that I leave for Europe in a week. I have no idea if I'm ready, but then most of the travelling I've done has been with little preparation, so at least I'm in familiar territory.

That was most of my weekend shopping: getting clothes, getting shoes, getting luggage. I really like my new stuff, and envisioning myself with it on the trip. Hopefully that reality will be better than my to-do list one.


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