Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mushroom Mania

It's a lovely day in Seattle: near 70 and sunny. I'd planned to go to Mushroom Mania at the Burke Museum today and decided I might as well walk.

Mushroom mania is put on by the Puget Sound Mycological Society and deals with how fungi fit into the ecosystem, as well as cultivating and cooking mushrooms. I learned that plants and fungi have a symbiotic relationship that benefits the plants tremendously. I also learned that mushrooms are the reproductive organs of certain fungi, but I guess eating them is no different than eating fruit.

Walking home, it seemed cooler but I suspect it was just that the wind had picked up. I'd zipped up my light-weight fleece jacket. As I crossed 15th at 45th, some male yelled out his car window that he liked my nipples. I ignored him. It's not behavior to be encouraged; his opinion or even noticing of my nipples is unimportant.


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