Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Breakup

I figure since it has been 8 weeks since the breakup I should say a little more about it.

The first thing is that for the first five+ weeks, I couldn't even talk about it without crying, which meant I didn't talk about it very much, or at least with very many people. I'm still not really sure why I fell apart like that. I don't recall it being so bad with other relationships, and I felt like intellectually I understood this one and could accept it.

Daniel and I broke up because we don't want the same things right now. Maybe I cried so much because it is such a hard reality to face, to accept. I'm ready to settle down, to be creating a life and maybe a family together with someone. Daniel is ready to do his self-exploration, now that he is done with school (again) and has a decently-paying job that allows him to explore interests he's not been able to before. He's also not sure about children, and decided long ago not to pass on his own genes.

So, we're trying to build a new relationship as friends. It's hard though since our feelings for each other haven't really changed.


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