Monday, May 15, 2006

"Magic" Music

Eight years ago, I had a powerful cleansing experience when I went to see Gary Numan at the Fenix. I went to the concert with Alex, who is friends with the Sirius comics folks who were involved in the tour, which featured 'Dawn' a rerelease of a 1994 Numan album with artwork from one of their artists. Here's some of what I wrote about it:

"I had a great time. The concert was good and fun and nostalgic. I felt like I did after my smudging; at peace with myself and the world.

Part of it might have been that the air was 90% cigarette smoke (75% of that clove cigarette smoke), 2% incense, 2% cannabis, 4% sweat/actual cologne, 1 1/2% alcohol, and maybe 1/2% oxygen. I figure the second hand smoke was the equivalent to a pack of cigarettes."

I wish now I'd written more about it, about how the air and the crowd and the company and the music, especially the song 'Magic', altered my perception, taking me to a place where I could feel old pains, secret fears, old regrets, lingering doubts all just melt away. It really was Magic.


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