Monday, February 20, 2006

Book of Rules

The other night, I had some time to kill before going to see 'The Good Woman of Setzuan'. I debated going to get a drink, but then realized I could go to the library, and so I skipped off there. I couldn't remember any of the things I wanted to look up, except for Bill Maher (his HBO show being one thing that makes me consider getting premium cable now and again). They had his latest book, 'New Rules' so I checked that out and headed for the theatre. In the play, The Book of Rules plays an important part, at least in terms of whether or not it needs to be thrown out.

So, it seems clear that we are always questioning what the rules should be, and always feeling the ones we have aren't quite working.

Thus, I was disappointed that Bill Maher's book was more of a laundry list of items, some more serious than others (at least, I hope so!) than an actual proposal for what we should be doing, rules-wise.

The funny thing is, though, with most of the religions I know something about, the rules are more or less the same essential rules we need to have to live together:

  • respect yourself and act honorably
  • focus on what and who you are, not what and who others are, or have
  • you get back what you put out
  • use your powers for good
  • don't judge others; you can't know what it is to be them
  • treat others as you want to be treated
  • emphasize the positive
  • eliminate the negative
  • be helpful and generous to others
  • don't bogart the good stuff
Maybe it isn't the rules that are a problem. Maybe it is a lack of commitment, especially by those telling us to follow them, that is the problem.

Why don't we commit to following them? It could be the way they are presented, since they tend to be couched in religious dogma rather than in practical reality. Or just a lack of "what's in it for me" which is key, even if we don't want to admit it.

I don't follow the rules because I fear going to hell or getting caught. I follow the rules because they are Important for any society to work, and I cannot survive without my society.

And because they just feel right to me.


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