Thursday, July 31, 2008

Out and About

July has been a busy, hot month, with not much time spent at home or on the computer, despite the arrival of my first laptop earlier this month.

The travel started Fourth of July weekend with a backpacking trip to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area. Daniel and I hiked from the trailhead at Salmon La Sac 9+ miles up to Waptus Lake. Between a bridge being out and the usual ford being waist-high, we wound up camping on the lake's south shore after passing over a snow field to find a place to camp. Day two we traveled up 1400 feet, across snow fields where we kept losing the trail, and then back down to Pete Lake (both lakes were at about 3000ft). The last day was a pretty easy 9+ mile hike out to the car.

I'd just recovered from the backpacking when it was time to pack my bag and head to Las Vegas for my friend Alvin's 30th birthday trip. I'd never been to Vegas before and it was 107 when we arrived (I don't think I've been anywhere that hot before). It was a good trip, with the weather even cooling down a little bit, with some rain, too. We did the Star Trek experience, walked the Strip, played slot machines, ate at buffets, and saw shows. I went to O and since no one else wanted to go with me, I was able to get a seat fifth row center. It was amazing. On the flight back, I randomly wound up sitting next to Alvin and his wife Heather. That's the kind of odd luck I have, which sadly does not translate to luck gambling (unlike Chad who won enough playing blackjack to pay for his trip).

A few days after we got back, Daniel was rear-ended and his car was totaled. I helped him get a new (to him) car on the Saturday and then I had a Beach Naturalist shift on the Sunday.

This past Saturday, Daniel and I went on a day hike on Mount Rainier, on the Glacier Basin trail. I'll write more about this later.

Until the past week or so, it's been a warm July in Seattle, but after being in Vegas, nothing seemed that bad.