Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two down

I can't believe the first two months of the year are (mostly) over.

January was lovely.. I started the year in the pink (literally). Indulged in January with a lot of lobster and conch, rum drinks, and velvet Elvis cupcakes. Relaxed so much on my trip to Belize. I definitely need to spend more time on islands with sand streets.

February was somewhat productive, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped.. I saw a bunch of movies: 'The Descendants', 'Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol', 'The Artist', and 'Young Adult'. Finished two of the four books I was reading. Went to two plays.

I need to commit to writing more, here and elsewhere. I've been journaling more regularly, and I started some blog ideas on Presidents' Day, but that was over a week ago now and nothing more has come of it. I was briefly inspired by a Scotsman http://lewisdryburgh.com/ but, again, nothing has come of it (yet).

I wish that Leap Day were a holiday, given that it is an extra day.

I want to get a lot off my to-do list in March. Especially my backlog of blog topics. Amen.