Monday, June 30, 2008


People I know who live elsewhere often ask me what the weather is really like in Seattle. Seattle has an image of being rainy, but the rain here isn't the same as most places I've lived. You can generally walk through it without getting wet, since most Seattle rain is more like a mist.

The worst month, weather-wise, is November. The daylight, which goes from around 5AM to after 9PM in the summer, is depressingly short. The days are cold, gray, often rainy, and the wind often rushes between the mountains in the area.

June is a lighter version of November: less cold but often gray and rainy. This year, we've been under in terms of our typical temperature, leading someone to dub it 'Junuary'. But, to me, it's always more like November.

We have had some nice weather, too. In fact, we are currently in the midst of a heatwave. We've been having temperatures in the upper 80's since Saturday. I'm a heat wimp, which is part of why I live here, so I've not been enjoying the heat (mainly because my apartment was also in the mid to upper 80's this weekend). I even went into work over the weekend, in part to have a cool place to be.

But June is ending and summer weather should finally be settling into our area. Hopefully, it will be lots of sun and temperatures in the high-70's, otherwise everyone will be complaining about our lack of summer until next year. If only they'd accept that living in Seattle means a second November at summertime.