Dry Thai

In tidying the cupboards, I discovered I had a lot more coconut milk than I knew I did. I started fantasizing about cooking up peas in it for a side dish. Then, last Thursday, I had creamed spinach and okra in coconut milk at Pam's Kitchen. Very delicious, if a bit sweet.
I wound up taking one of the little cans of coconut milk (5.6 ounces) and heating it with chopped shallots and cilantro, kafir lime leaves, and chunks of lemongrass and Thai hot peppers so the flavors were infused. I removed the leaves and lemongrass chunks and added shopped spinach. Came out really nice.
For an entree, I made a Thai-inspired dry curry. I sauteed shallots, added chopped lemongrass and Thai hot peppers with Thai curry. Added chopped purple potatoes and cooked until almost done. Added chunks of chicken and cooked covered until the chicken was cooked. Added the frozen peas and chopped mushrooms. Good, but I think I prefer Indian dry curries in the end.