Saturday, July 30, 2011

Road Trip

I'm going on a short road trip tomorrow, such an American summer tradition.

Unlike many of my friends growing up, my family did not do a lot of road trip vacations. We were more likely to spend a day driving through the Minnesota farmland, which seems like an odd choice for my parents now that I look back on it. I mainly remember looking at cows and this one trip where we found this steak house out in the middle of nowhere and had a lovely dinner.

Many of my road trips have been solo. Driving from Minnesota to Boston (with my cat Candy), Boston to Seattle. Back and forth to Minnesota for one visit. I think that was the trip where I took my tape recorder and made an Agent Cooper-like tape for my friend Gary.

In thinking about this trip, I realized the little things I was expecting that probably won't happen on this trip. The trip is out to the coast for tide pooling with my friend Maurie, which means no stopping at DQ for a shake or other fast food snacking. This might be why I found myself at Arby's the other night.