My Fellow Americans: Why you should vote for Barack Obama
I opened up one of the voter guides ( I read through before I vote to see this subheading:
Reelect Our Kenyan Muslim Overlord!
In a way, that says it all. There are some, mainly on Fox "News," that claim Barack Obama is the worst President ever. Despite that, they seem unable to substantiate this claim with any hard evidence, and thus we are left after more than 4 years in office and several more campaigning with patently false claims that Obama was not born in the United States, that he is a Muslim, and that he is some communist who will run roughshod over the country. WFT? Surely, if he were the worst President ever, his opponents could do better than this drivel that anyone willing to think for two seconds knows is not true. (and it is a little terrifying how many "Pants on Fire" statements have been made by Obama's opponents vs. his supporters:
Why can't conservatives appreciate how conservative actually Obama is? Oh, I guess some do. Here is a link to Republicans for Obama: Maybe they can help convince conservatives with comments like, "In most other points in our party's history, Obama would fit in well as a Republican." Or if you'd like something a little more specific:
MANY of the charges most frequently leveled against the economic policymaking record of Barack Obama are overstated. Businesses in general are not being victimised: corporate earnings and profit margins are both at record highs. There has been no widespread confiscation and redistribution of wealth: the rich have captured virtually all of the GDP gains since the recovery began. The state is not really getting bigger: government spending has increased at its lowest rate since the 1950s, while public employment has actually shrunk.
He's also extended gun laws and other things conservatives like, like being a ninja assassin with his Seal Team 6 and drones.
So, nothing to make him the caricature that conservatives have resorted to in order to discredit someone who is actually doing an okay job. If anyone should be unhappy with Obama, it is more liberal voters, including any actual socialists or communists. Obama's attempts at biparticanship have often had him moving to the right, but it is like Republicans must stay a certain distance away from the President, so they move to the right as well! (Hmmm, maybe Mitt Romney isn't flip-flopping. Maybe
after 4 years of this being business as usual in Washington, he just
thinks that is how Republicans work?).
Republicans like to claim that it is Obama's policies that failed, but Congress stopped too many of his policies to say that with any seriousness. And while I agree that Obama should have shown more leadership, the Republicans gave him nothing to work with and hindered the workings of our government by filibustering (or threatening to) anything they didn't like. So, the long-held ability of simple majority voting in the Senate went out the window during this administration.
Not re-electing President Obama lets that partisan, anti-American childishness win.
The Republican party has become the party of non-compromise and partisanship. And then they have the gaul to accuse Obama of being partisan, of not working with Republicans. Bull-fucking-shit.
Don't let this crap continue to clog our democratic system. Re-elect Barack Obama.