End Time
It's New Years Eve, the perfect time for reflection. Or avoiding reflection with heavy drinking. I think I'll take them in order, and start with the reflecting.
While I do have problems with some endings, the change in year is typically not one of them. It is all the cycle of life and, once the days start getting longer, the worst of any year is over. And a new year, like a newly fallen snow, casts a clean blank slate over what is already there allowing for hope and new perspective, even if it does grow dirty and melt away eventually. What is bothering me this year is how many things that I had hoped to accomplish but did not get done. Especially since a lot of those items are things I have been hoping to accomplish for a long, long time.
I've realized lately that while my sense of time is fairly accurate (I tend to be able to tell what time it is, without any help, within 15 minutes or so), my sense of time passing in the broader arena--multiple years, decades, and such, is very poor. I think it is only natural to feel that one has all the time in the world, but at a certain point, that premise rings less true than it once did. It is easy to put something off, and once put off to keep putting it off. I have been working on that, but without the handle on time, I still have a long way to go.
I think this year for the first time in ages I will make some resolutions, the first of which is to get a better handle on this whole time thing, before it actually does run out. Hopefully, that will allow me to actually accomplish those items languishing on my to-do list. Fingers crossed.
Happy New Year!