Belated Valentine
Before it gets any further away, I wanted to lay out my proposal for changing Valentine's Day to a general day of love. Romantic love used to have a rough time, back in the day of good St. Valentine. But today romantic love is overexposed, overextended in terms of what it gets you, and over exploited in terms of the jewelry advertisers--no, a heart-shaped ruby necklace is NOT the best way to let her know you love her!! Okay, so I guess romantic love is still having a rough time, just a different rough time.
But so is love in general. All the above overs of romantic love have disillusioned too many not only about romantic love, but about love in general. In our fast-paced lives, sometimes we don't even realize we love someone until it is too late.
Valentine's Day gives us an opportunity to let the people in our lives whom we care about know that we do. Even if it is just a grade school card or online greeting, make sure you take a moment, at least once a year, to express the love you have inside.