Good Days
Yesterday was the anniversary of my last big break up. I didn't realize it until I was on my way home from work, even though I'd been thinking about there being a lot of negative things that happened on April 19th (Oklahoma City bombing) and April 20th (Columbine). It does seem that there are days with more than their fair share of crap occurring on them. If that is actually the case, than there must also be "good" days, that have more than their fair share of ambrosia, or whatever the negative of crap is, on them.
It could be argued that my last break up was actually a good thing, but it really didn't feel that way at the time. I got out my journal from then last night and reread bits of it.
The most interesting thing I found was that he had said that I was the truest person he knew. Interestingly enough, my ex-fiance had included in a list of good qualities that he put in print one Valentine's something about "most sincere".
It's hard to know how others see you. There is so much that goes on inside of oneself that often never gets expressed to anyone else. And then there are things like this where there seems to be something other people are seeing, but I have no idea what they are reacting to. It does make me wonder, since I know I am more honest with myself now than I was when I was with either of them.